Register for this year’s Izzy Award, with The Lever, Mississippi Free Press, Carlos Ballesteros, and Liza Gross.

Register for this year’s Izzy Award, with The Lever, Mississippi Free Press, Carlos Ballesteros, and Liza Gross.
Desiree Holz (Journalism, ’23) is the current marketing and public relations intern at the Everson Museum of Art in Syracuse, New York. Desiree’s main responsibility this summer has been to create and manage the museum’s TikTok. She has been helping to write press...
Click here for engaging interviews with independent journalists and media creators.
Todd Miller, an Izzy winner for his work in 2017 will be speaking on campus on Tuesday, Oct. 22. In case you are looking for some summer reading or articles for your syllabi, he has a feature article in the July issue of In These...
Brandon Smith, October 2018 Independent journalist Brandon Smith gave a public lecture, " What the traditional Chicago media missed in the Laquan McDonald case." Brandon Smith spoke on the power of independent journalism in exposing police brutality and racial...
Prevalence of workplace injuries is not something the US wants to see increasing, but that may well be the case. In article by The Nation, they discuss how in the past few years, reduced investment in OSHA has led to a more unsafe environment for workers across the...
Maya Schenwar, December 2014 Maya Schenwar, editor in chief of and author of recent book "Locked Down, Locked Out: Why Prison Doesn't Work and How We Can Do Better." On Tuesday, Dec. 9, 2014, Maya Schenwar gave a talk at Ithaca College, based on her...
Betty Medsger, September 2014 Betty Medgser, journalist and author, gave a lecture titled: "Before Edward Snowden: The Citizen Burglars Who Exposed FBI Spying - in 1971." In a public lecture and a more intimate, late afternoon Q&A session, author/journalist Betty...
Josh Fox, November 2010 Filmmaker Josh Fox arrived at campus to explain his cross-country odyssey that led him from theater director to filmmaker and environmental advocate. Josh Fox brought his film Gasland to campus on November 2, 2010. He met with students before...
Arianna Huffington, November 2009 Huffington met with IC students for a lively Q & A session on the future of journalism. The Huffington Post co-founder spoke of “a golden age for news consumers,” with bright prospects for young journalists despite an uncertain...