Whether or not a sin­gle job or com­pa­ny is saved through the CARES Act’s Pay­check Pro­tec­tion Pro­gram (PPP), lenders will be paid hun­dreds of mil­lions of dol­lars in tax­pay­er mon­ey. As of mid-July, PPP lenders, includ­ing JPMor­gan Chase Bank, Bank of Amer­i­ca and Wells Far­go, had racked up $18 bil­lion in fees—more than was allo­cat­ed to oth­er pro­grams to devel­op vac­cines, pro­vide med­ical sup­plies and health ser­vices, and feed chil­dren. Near­ly $130 bil­lion in PPP funds have gone untapped, yet both the HEROES Act passed by the House of Rep­re­sen­ta­tives in May and the HEALS Act intro­duced by the Sen­ate in late July call for the program’s exten­sion while remov­ing require­ments that most of its fund­ing be spent on payroll.

Read more at In These Times.